Keeps your PC Running Smoothly!

Our PC optimization software is packed full of features to help speed up your computer.

We help clean up your registry, delete unwanted files and software, and improve your resource management on the whole. These features ensure that you get the best computer optimization software for your money’s worth.

Original Price - $54.95

Free Expert Assistance For

  • Installation Help
  • Bug Fixing & Scanning Help
  • License Renewal Assistance
  • License Activation Assistance
  • Setting & Configuration Help
  • Help for Uninstall

Advantages of Using the defencebyte Computer Optimizer

Using the best computer optimizer on the market affords you a whole range of underrated benefits. Buying a PC optimizer is really one of the best investments of your money.

  • Faster and More Stable Using a PC Optimization software removes a whole range of unnecessary items from your computer. These files and software can slow down your computer, so by removing them not only getting a faster computer, but also a more stable one.
  • Quicker Startup Unlike Macs, Windows can be extremely slow to boot up. However, as mentioned, our best computer optimization software can help. The unwanted software that we remove often slows down your computer at startup. So by having to load less programs your computer will boot up quicker.
  • More Free Space By removing unwanted files and software you’ll free up space on your computer so that you can use it to store more valuable things. Whether that’s photos of your friends and family, or a new game, that’s up to you.
  • Better Privacy By removing your internet browser's temporary files, you’ll gain additional privacy against being tracked. Combined with our range of security products, you’ll not only have the best computer optimizer but also the best protection.

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Highlights of defencebyte Computer Optimizer


By cleaning up problematic files, PC Cleaning Utility minimizes the chance of a computer freeze or crash caused by potentially problematic files.


Use PC Cleaning Utility to defragment a computer’s registry, as over time a computer’s registry becomes fragmented when files are constantly deleted causing performance to decline.


PC Cleaning Utility’s Advanced Registry Detection Technology detects and removes or repairs registry files as well as fixes wrong system configurations.


With this settings option you can choose which areas on your computer to scan and clean. Choose from virtual devices, libraries, installations strings, junk files, temporary files, system software, history and start menu, and more


PC Cleaning Utility is easy to install and only takes a few minutes. There is no long complicated process because PC Cleaning Utility’s settings ensure a smooth, trouble-free installation process. Save time by installing PC Cleaning Utility now so you don’t have to spend time later attempting to fix complicated system problems.


The automatic scan option allows users to choose what day(s) to automatically scan and clean your computer. Users can schedule a scan everyday, once a week, and the time of day.

Optimize your PC's performance miraculously!

Your computer will be ready to perform within no time. This amazing software renews your computer as if it is just unboxed. We’ll help you remove all the useless items on your PC so that you’ll never think you’ve used it before!

Original Price - $54.95

Showing our favorite reviews


Based on 957 reviews

I certainly appreciate to Defencebyte for everything you do for me. May our world be safe from the Covid-19 , lets be friends with everyone. God Bless all of us.

Dorothy Lederer

Jan 3, 2021

Have been very happy with this program - saved me a lot of worry Brian


Dec 31, 2020

Defencebyte Software takes care of my computer all the time. I do not need to do anything. I am satisfied with it.


Dec 29, 2020

Defencebyte Antiransomeware is perfectly working fine now.

Kim Medhurst

Jan 1, 2021

Service continues to be excellent and Tech is great as he was able to resolve my problem.

Renee Lustig

Dec 28, 2020

Steadfast security solution by defencebyte

Upgrade your computer performance and witness the difference you always wanted to.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a PC optimizer?

    PC Optimizers are tools that help improve the performance of your computer. The best PC booster solutions will remove unwanted software and files from your computer. In turn this will help your computer run faster and allow it to perform as if it was factory new.

  • Yes, you should definitely download the best PC optimizer on the market! Once you start using a computer it will start accumulating unwanted files and software. Some of which you may not even be aware of. By using the defencebyte computer optimizer, arguably the best PC maintenance software on the market, you’ll get a faster computer. With a free scan you’ll see how much clutter there is on your computer.

  • A PC optimization software works on any computer whether it’s old or new. Generally speaking, it will provide you with more issues on an older PC. In turn, it will speed up your older PC more. However, the best PC cleanup software will help you gain improved performance irrespective of the computer's age.

  • A PC optimizer is a performance booster for PC. Therefore it depends on your definition of speed up software. If you mean will it run faster than at the moment, then the answer is absolutely yes! However, it won’t make it run faster than it was originally. For that you would need to carry out overclocking or parts replacement and no free PC optimization software can achieve that.

  • PC Optimization tools aren’t designed to delete viruses. Removal of viruses is completely different to removing unused files and software. Therefore, no free PC optimizer will delete viruses for you. However, for this, we have our defencebyte anti ransomware product.